WANTED: Models Needed

WANTED: models needed Yes! We need models for our blog. Lately I've been very busy and I don't have time to show you all the clothes I'd like to. So that's why I want you to help me a bit. If you like modeling and photos, then you should give it a try. *Note: this is not a paid job. I have no money for it, and I would not be able to find the best free clothing if I had a single Linden. This is a great oportunity, don't let your money-interest interfere. Requeriments: English/Spanish language is essential . If you don't know those languages, then we won't be able to communicate. Being open minded. There are many types of fashion. If you don't like some style, then let us know writing your exceptions in the note. Send a note named "MODEL JOB - (Your SL Nickname)" to AsynScythe (main owner) or Kariath (admin) with the following information: Name (how you'd like to be called): Languages ...