
► Freebies Fever ◄

Freebies Fever is here! And you'd think "Freeb... WHAT!?" Yes! All items in my marketplace with a symbol like the one below will be FREE FOR LIMITED TIME. What a crazy idea!

All you must do is search the images that have that symbol, then you'll be able to buy it.

*Note: All those products are made by AsynScythe. Copying and re-selling is totally unauthorized. All rights reserved. If you have any issue send me an IM and we'll solve it.

WANTED: models needed

Yes! We need models for our blog. Lately I've been very busy and I don't have time to show you all the clothes I'd like to. So that's why I want you to help me a bit.  If you like modeling and photos, then you should give it a try. 

*Note: this is not a paid job. I have no money for it, and I would not be able to find the best free clothing if I had a single Linden. This is a great oportunity, don't let your money-interest interfere.


  • English/Spanish language is essential. If you don't know those languages, then we won't be able to communicate.
  • Being open minded. There are many types of fashion. If you don't like some style, then let us know writing your exceptions in the note.
  • Send a note named "MODEL JOB - (Your SL Nickname)" to AsynScythe (main owner) or Kariath (admin) with the following information:
    • Name (how you'd like to be called):
    • Languages spoken:
    • Country:
    • Why do you want to be our model:
    • What style do you like the most:
    • What is your style exception (you'll never wear something related to it):
Note example:


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