Hi everyone! I've opened a store in the marketplace. This month I'll sell a few things for free (St. Valentine special offer). I hope you like the idea and tell me what's your opinion.
14th of February is near! I'd like to show you my lovely fashion look. The best part is that I haven't paid a Linden for this! But before you must answer a few Love Riddles. Just a little game ;P Eros is at it's core, while a ring is its symbol. Though it can be seen as holy, often it is sealed by contact. What is it? Answer: Marriage I can start a war or end one, I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless, I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay; What am I? Answer: Love What three words are said too much, yet not enough? Answer: I Love You The rich men want it, the wise men know it, the poor all need it, and the kind men show it. Answer: LOVE What did the man with the broken leg say to his nurse? Answer: I have a crutch on you. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Did you answered correctly all of them? Congrats! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ If you want to see my Valentine's outfit, keep scrolling down... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ...
I play SL since November of this year and I like it. You can do anything and have all you want. Second Life lets you play with or without being Premium (Premium is like a VIP status which gives you some options that normal free users don't have). And some wonderful people sells many free clothes. This blog tries to collect all those trending clothes and show you all of them. XOXO ♥
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