
-.-.-.-. Frequently Asked Questions .-.-.-.-

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- What is the meaning of Freebie?
+ Freebie is compound by "free" and "bie". It's an adjective used for calling free items.

- Why a blog?
+ I saw many blogs and webs and wanted to make my own one. I use the freebies I've collected and show them to you.

- Can I be part of your staff?
+ We've just started. We've planned to make a group and then we'll interview people for different admin ranks. 

- If I don't like freebies, what can I do?
+ Then you should gain money. You can get a job in the SL world or buy Lindens by a Paying Method at the official web page.

- I have issues / I want to ask you something that isn't listed above.
+ Contact us via IM or sending a note to AsynScythe or Kariath (we are the only ones blog Staff). We'll be glad to help.



- Lindens or any type of donation.
- Personal information.
- RL pics, cam or voice chats.

If you ask something of the listed above, you'll be automatically blocked. And we won't be able to help you anymore.


Have a great day.
Att: Second Life Freebies Staff.


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